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How to Give Criticism(On Writing.)
It’s all about having the right mindset
The power of words
When I know I am going to get criticized I start to react physically. My heart rate quickens, my palms get sweaty and my breath gets shallow.
The same is true when I am about to give feedback on someone else's writing.
And I assume most people are like me when it comes to receiving and giving feedback. Because to give criticism in a good way, it’s important that you understand how it’s like being at the receiving end.
I have been criticized for my writing by professionals several times. And it sucks. It’s my baby, my pride, and my years-in-the-making-project they tear apart in a heartbeat. Why can’t they just love it as much as I do? Don’t they understand what I am trying to do?
Every time the result was the same - It improved my writing.
Don’t dance (too much) around the bush
I (personally)hate the sh*t sandwich.
Sh*t sandwich is when you say something nice, then the crap, and finishes up with something nice. It can be a good technique some times, but be careful about using it.